15 Questions With Aparna From Indian Matchmaking

In an exclusive interview for Brides Today, the Houston-based attorney of Indian Matchmaking fame sheds light on life post the hit show, breaking stereotypes and rewriting rules, the castmates she's still in touch with and much more....

It wasn't long after the premiere of this Netflix reality show that Indian Matchmaking became a lockdown hit, a household name across the globe. Besides sparking long-overdue conversations (and well, controversies), the reality series invited a dozen memes and neitizens couldn't get enough of it! From matchmaker Sima Taparia's misspend efforts as the 'star's weren't aligned' to the ups and down in the lives of ordinary people in search of love, we can safely say this series had much to offer.

All said and done, whether you hate it or love it, you just simply couldn't ignore it. Speaking of being unable to ignore—given her strong wit, inspirational personality and clear-headedness—it wouldn't be hard if we had you guessing which of the Indian Matchmaking cast came across as most intriguing and striking. Well of course it is, Aparna Shewakramani, the 35 year-old lawyer based in Houston, Texas.

A fan favourite, despite being on the receiving end of polarised views, Aparna went far in questioning and reinstating the 'typical Indian girl' stereotype. By serving to be a 'living example' of the modern-day independent woman, the whopping fan base that she has managed to garner post the show doesn't come as a surprise.

In this exclusive interview, we catch up with Aparna on her current relationship status, anecdotes from Indian Matchmaking, how's she's keeping herself busy during the pandemic and a lot more.


How and why did you decide to do the show?

Aparna:  A friend of mine had posted the application on Facebook roughly 2 years ago, and I saw it in line waiting to board a plane. I applied right there! It seemed like a unique opportunity to use a South Asian matchmaker to potentially find my life partner.

Had you ever worked with a matchmaker before? How was the experience with Sima Taparia?

Aparna:  No, I had never used a matchmaker before, they aren't common here in the States. For me, I learned that a relationship with a matchmaker is a lot like a relationship with a man you are dating - both can lend themselves to awkward first interactions but get better with time and knowledge of one another!

What is the general perception towards matchmaking, 'marriage brokers' and arranged marriages in the US? Is it common amongst the South-Asian community?

Aparna:  For me, it was just another avenue to potentially meet my life partner. I could be on dating apps and meet people through family and friends and then also have a matchmaker! It translates into the same thing, after all.

Were you happy with the way your character was portrayed in the show? Or did people miss out on the opportunity to get to know who Aparna really is?

Aparna:  All television shows are working with strict time constraints and are creating content for the purpose of entertainment. I do not believe they cannot accurately portray well-rounded, authentic individuals. Specifically here, there were archetypes crafted carefully to tell the story of Sima and also of the practice of arranged marriage. So it makes sense that I was not portrayed accurately. In fact, there were a few instances where I was flat-out wrongly portrayed, like with the Srini situation. The viewers did not get to see that I did take him out to dinner in Houston and he made me very upset with his absolute disregard for the process and my feelings. I shared this with Sima on camera but instead the viewers were given the false impression that my mother and I were going to 'talk to him never', due to his profession and his career choice.

Was there ever a moment you felt like giving into the 'traditional Indian girl' stereotype, to be more adjusting and compromising?

Aparna:  No, because that is just code for 'settle' and 'don't believe you deserve what you're asking for.' I would caution any woman from giving in and being more 'adjusting' and 'compromising.' That only makes it easier on the matchmaker but you're the one who has to live with that partner for the rest of your life!

In one of the episodes we saw that you met with an astrologer. Do you think wearing the Sapphire ring and listening to the Hindu chants helped 'align your stars', paving the way for matrimonial success?

Aparna:  I cannot say I believe in astrology, but I did wear the sapphire (and continue to do so) and also did the Shani chants for a few months. While I take it all with a grain of salt, I also thought, why not? Let's try it. What's the harm, right?

Despite your skewed portrayal in the show, you were applauded for being strong-headed, successful, and clear about what you desire from a relationship. Do you partly hold yourself responsible for setting an example and paving the way for women who are often told/expected to 'settle'?

Aparna:  You know, I never intended to be a role model for women during the taping of the show. I was only trying my best to find my own life partner. However, I stand behind the unintentional example I set, because to me, it's a portrayal that resonates with women who feel they do not have a strong voice in their own lives - be it in matchmaking or even at work, in the home, or with friends. So many women have messaged me to say a simple 'thank you.' Thank you for showing them on their television screens that you can believe in your own self worth and be unapologetically yourself!

Was there any particular guy from the show you thought you would've hit it off with, and maybe could've explored a future ahead with?

Aparna:  Not romantically! But like I said, I love them all for how unique and kind they are.

Are you still in touch with the other cast from the show?

Aparna:  I am still very close to Shekar, I talk to him practically every single day. I also still speak to Dilip and Jay. All three are such wonderful friends - so grounded, loyal and my biggest cheerleaders. Although we weren't a good fit romantically, we are definitely all close friends and I feel very lucky. I have also become quite close to Ankita and love how strong and driven she is. To be honest, I have had a chance to speak to most of my cast mates and they truly are the most grounded, level-headed, wonderful people in the world!

What has life been like post Indian Matchmaking? What is the response you have been receiving? Any interesting projects lined up?

Aparna:  Life is hectic but fun! I am still working full time as a lawyer and also growing my luxury travel company, My Golden Balloon, which I started in 2018. In addition, I have press engagements from morning to night due to time zone differences with journalists. I also launched my own t-shirt line with Aparna quotes on it and am custom creating my elephant bracelet for sale soon on my website,www.aparnastyle.com. I recently announced that I am working on my book proposal which will feature all things Aparna and all the behind the scenes of Indian Matchmaking. Watch out for that in the coming year too! And of course, the best part? Interacting with fans of the show and listening to their perspectives on matchmaking and the many issues the show brought to light. In short, things are going great.

Describe yourself in just 3 words.

Aparna:  Adventurous. Empowered. Generous.

How is Aparna Shewakramani spending her time during the global pandemic?

Aparna:  I am barely sleeping, trying to keep up with my schedule outlined above! It's about soaking in all the positive right now.

Are you dating anyone at the moment?

Aparna:  I am not but I am ever-hopeful I will meet Mr. Right one day soon!

What would you like to say to all the people you've inspired, your fans.

Aparna:  Thank you for the conversations you're having surrounding colorism, casteism, heightism and sexism. Long after we stop talking about this show and how it entertained us, I hope we are still talking about these issues in our society that we can overcome and heal together.

A piece of advice for those who are looking to try the 'matchmaking thing' or are having an arranged marriage.

Aparna:  Try it! Just know it's only ONE of the many ways you can meet someone, so keep your eye out for other options as well.


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