Here’s a 101 guide to creating the perfect romantic proposal in the rains

We’re not crying, you are.

We’re not crying, you are.

Monsoons in India bring much-awaited relief from a long summer, the inklings of a fresh start, and an absolute love affair with your beau amid gentle winds and the softness of the rain. The season enables us to experience the pulse of daily life through a romanticised lens and we wouldn’t have it any other way. If you’re looking to take your relationship to the next level, we’d definitely recommend planning a romantic proposal in the rain to make it all the more memorable. For those wondering where to start, fret not, here’s a list of foolproof ideas you can cop for the ultimate proposal. 

Drama under the umbrella 

We’ll paint a picture for you: you’re walking in the rains on the canopy-covered street where you first asked your partner out on a date. You’re sharing an umbrella, talking about love and life—the moment is as intimate as ever and just then, you turn towards your partner, propose, and share a kiss under the umbrella on a rainy day. Remember, the rains can be unkind, so we’d definitely recommend having a plan B. 

Go for a trek 
For all the nature enthusiasts, what could be more romantic than hiking up a lush-green hill and proposing to your partner? The monsoon paves way for a number of day and overnight treks across the country. If you want to go all out, we’d suggest going for an overnight trek. Pop the question as you reach the peak, spend the evening with each other amidst nature, and sleep under the stars—a perfect end to the evening. 

Spend a rainy night in 
For those who are averse to stepping out in the rains, let the grey skies, lightening, and downpour be the perfect backdrop for your proposal. Spend a cosy night in; set the tone by bringing them a bouquet, light some candles, and cook them their favourite meal. Indulge in some hot chocolate while snuggling in the blanket as it pours outside. And propose to them in the comfort of your home. We promise you won’t regret it. 

Go dancing in the rain

Give in to the spontaneous and romantic side of you and take your partner out on a long drive when it’s raining heavily. Curate a playlist that the two of you love and when the time is right, stop the car by an open area—a garden, a rooftop restaurant, or even a building terrace and dance with each other without a care in the world, get down on your knee, and ask them to be your dance partner forever. It couldn’t get more adorable than this, trust us. 

Go away for the weekend 
This may be the perfect opportunity for you to whisk the love of your life away from the city for a weekend in the hills and plan a proposal there. You can involve your closest friends and family and make it an extravagant proposal or keep it intimate between the two of you. Meticulously plan the ensuing evening, look your best, and subtly hint at your partner to do the same. Decorate the outdoor space with fairy lights and propose to them amid a downpour. Pro tip? Take a photographer along for an ideal rainy-day shoot.