Things to keep in mind when you’re hiring a matchmaker

Choose your Seema Aunty wisely.

Choose your Seema Aunty wisely.

You’re single and ready to mingle, or maybe settle down, even. You’ve said goodbye to dating apps, while online matrimony is not your vibe. What you’re looking for is a personal touch, someone to spend some time with you, and know your personality and what you’re looking for. After all, choosing to leave the fate of your life partner on an algorithm may come with more cons than pros, or be met by reservations from family. To make life and life choices simpler, you might just want to pick up that phone and hire a matchmaker. 

Do a background check

You want to be absolutely sure that the matchmaker you’re hiring is experienced, reputed, and above all, has a good track record. One way to do this is to ask around and get some references. And while you do know where you stand as far as your goals and values are concerned, it’ll do you a world of good to know if your matchmaker is either on the same page or at least respects your thoughts and values. You really want them to understand you for who and what you are, and portray you in the same light to the prospective matches. It’s also important to know the type of clients they work with, how many they work with (the more they work with, the less time they give you), what their resources are to match people, and if they offer any guarantees. 

How much do they charge?

While they do bring their ‘personal touch’ into the equation, it’s important to know what the market rate is and avoid being fleeced. Furthermore, they may charge more with additional services such as personal dating coaching, etc. Always remember, anything to do with the matters of the heart is a personal investment, so choose your matchmaker after ample thought and consideration. 

Manage your expectations

When people hire a matchmaker, they think the person is their saviour, who will find them a match in the blink of an eye. Remember, good things take time. One way to know if they’re great at their job is if they’ve had a thorough conversation with you about your interests, values, and goals to find you a like-minded partner. Also, communication is key here, so it’s always best to tell them what you want, what you don’t, and what your deal-breakers are. Trust us, it’ll save you a lot of time and disappointment.

Always meet the matchmaker in person

We can’t stress this enough. Don’t work with a matchmaker who wants to discuss stuff with you only over the phone or a video chat. It is simple—if they haven’t met you, there’s a good chance that they haven’t met the person they will set you up with. Can you really trust such a matchmaker or will the exercise be any fruitful? We think not. If they’re from another city and are willing to meet you, it’s time to book them that much-needed flight ticket. 

Trust their judgement

Once you have hired a matchmaker and got a match, it’s only advisable to meet the people they have thought would be good for you. Do not overthink or rule someone out before meeting them. Trust your matchmaker. All you need to do is show up. Worst case, the date does not go as per your liking. You can always communicate with the matchmaker and together you can refine your next search. The process will need work from both ends, with constant feedbacks and inputs from your end.