Real Weddings: A Match Made In Heaven

From acquaintances to soulmates, Aaliya and Aatef took nearly a lifetime to figure out that they were always meant to be.

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How did you two meet? Tell us about your love story.


"It’s strange how someone you’ve known for most of your life suddenly becomes the most important person that you share your intimate moments with. The feeling is absolutely surreal. Aatef and I have probably known each other for over a decade now! We were initially acquaintances, but it was 5 years ago that we often crossed paths at social gatherings. Before we knew it, there was a mutual, inevitable feeling that suggested that there could be so much more between the two of us. One fine day, when we were driving back from a friend's wedding that we had attended together, it seemed hard to deny that there was something so obvious, something we both felt. After dropping me home, only a few minutes later he called and said, "Could you come back down?". I didn't know why, but when I did go and see him it all seemed to make sense. He was standing there, arms folded, leaning on his car, with the most adorable expression on his face. Confessions of love (as well as hugs!) followed. Well, the rest is history..."

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How would you describe your wedding? Tell us your overall vision and sources of inspiration.


"So for both Aatef and I, our wedding functions were a careful curation of our creative ideas, as well as a demonstration of what inspires us most. Moreover, doesn't any occasion just become more memorable and special when you have your loved ones to celebrate with? 

When it came to wedding planning, each function was well thought through, keeping in mind a moodboard, references, and most importantly a unique vibe for every new day! Luckily, both of us work very well as a team, which is why our collaborative efforts resulted in our dream wedding. I envision, he executes."

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"For the mehendi ceremony we wanted an intimate, noon function. Basking in the sunlight with warm hues of yellow, the scent of henna, stellar performances put together by our closest family and friends...what more do you need? All the way from our outfits to the colour palette of the function, everything was planned well in advance."

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"A musical occasion; for the Sangeet night we wanted to have a fun-filled evening, encompassed with music, dance, and laughter. All these dreams were turned into a reality through the live performances by Shankar, Ehsaan, and Loy. The perfectly choreographed dance performances did absolute justice to our never-dying love for Bollywood, and the high-spirited vibe was taken up a notch with the after-party that followed. 


The aspects of decor and lighting also played a remarkably important role in making the evening as magical as it turned out to be. The stage set-up and design was something we had been working on for weeks with our decorator, Afreen Wedding Services (Jehangir), the team of YOLO, and our choreographers as well."

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"Lastly, for our reception we wanted to give the traditional 'stage-reception' theme a modern, contemporary upgrade. However, while doing so we made sure that we don't take away from the traditional concept of guests congratulating the newlyweds. We created a stage that gave us the experience of a red carpet, doubling-up as a photobooth, with a million crimson and red blooms!"

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What was the most memorable moment from your wedding, that you’d like to share?
"One of the most memorable moments from our wedding, for me, was hands down when we entered the majestic ballroom on our reception evening and a special song came on (not as per plan). Aatef had sung and pre-recorded 'falling in love with you', and had organised for it to be played while we walked down to the stage. It was truly the most thoughtful gesture ever!" 

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Any advice for brides-to-be? 


"For all brides, and in fact grooms as well, the one advice I would pass on to you is - Plan out the tiniest detail. Involve your partner and respective families in the process, so as to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Also, be meticulous in planning so that you don't over-stress as you draw closer to your big day.  

Most important, enjoy and soak in every single moment from your wedding! It's alright if everything didn’t turn out exactly as you had envisioned. All your efforts would be in vain if you two didn’t make the most of it. The unmatched love everyone showers you with, the memories you create, let all that just fill your heart to the brim. And don’t forget to have those stolen moments with your partner, they’re priceless!"

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How are you spending time with your partner during this pandemic?


"It's been 3 months since we moved in together and we jumped right into the lockdown. Getting to know each other in different ways and spending endless quality time together has been the result, and its nothing short of delightful! We chalk out some activities we can do together, such as working out, re-organising our spaces, watching movies etc. And, in spite of everything, date-nights and long, uninterrupted chats haven't gone amiss." 

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