All You Need to Know About the Ayurvedic Dosha Diet to Get Fitter
Ayurveda propagates a disciplined lifestyle. From waking up as the sun rises to having your meals according to the solar movement throughout the day, these traditional rituals have a tremendous impact on your mind, body and soul.
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Tips to balance Kapha
"Exercises such as cycling and running are all good exercises to keep Kapha in balance. Dry brushing or Udvartana is a daily regimen that can balance this dosha. Deep tissue massage with warm oils and oil pulling with sesame oil is stimulating and balancing for Kapha. Avoid sweet, cheesy, and fried foods that are cold in general and especially during spring."
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Kapha traits and imbalances
"Kaphas are more stable and strongly built due to the earth element. That makes it hard to shed calories and tend to retain water and fat. Food is a source of comfort for them leading to overeating during times of stress. However, they may be unable to digest the food due to mandagni/low digestive fire. They have a strong ability to hold onto emotions, people and can retain information. The same attribute can make it difficult for them to let go of the past and make them sad, depressed and emotional."
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Tips to balance Pitta
"For Pitta, it is important to eat at the first sign of hunger can prevent anger outbursts and acidity type of health issues. Also include cooling, sweet and fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoid hot, spicy, fermented foods in general, especially during summer. Try a moderate exercise routine with breathing exercises like sheetali pranayama for balancing Pitta. A gentle foot massage with Brahmi oil before going to bed is calming and can induce sleep."
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Pitta traits and imbalances
"Pitta are a combination of fire and water elements with the fire being the dominant element. They usually have a good appetite and can digest food easily. Although, they are prone to acidity, ulcers, acne, gastritis when in imbalance. Due to the fire element in a Pitta person, they tend to have intense emotions. They are passionate about goals and can ignore sleep and relationships in the process."
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Tips to balance Vata
"Having a routine can go a long way to keep a Vata's mind-body grounded and reduces the stress around decision making. They should also try including warm oil massages/abhyanga in their daily routine as well as opt for warm, nourishing meals with spices rather than salads and dry juices as they don't suit this dosha type."
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A Vata person can often suffer from problems with the digestive system such as constipation. Due to their caring and sensitive character, Vata people can end up being stressed. A Vata mind is curious with constant enthusiasm to create and execute ideas that make them lose sleep in the process. Though, they are quick at making any decision without thinking it through. It puts them at the risk of ending up with bad choices. Whether it's love or life, fear and anxiety are the deciding factors for them.
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Vata traits and imbalances
"Physically, a Vata person has a lean skeletal structure (prominent joints, narrow shoulders and hips, with muscles). They struggle to keep weight on due to the constant nature of movement in body and mind. Creativity is one of the positive traits of Vata. They are eager to try new skills or travel and enjoy an adventure. They are also flexible and committed to their cause but lack mental stability to hold on to one thing."
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Find your type
So, if your New Year resolution is to achieve your health goals, it would be a good move to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to find out your dosha and related imbalances. Here is what Dr Yanamandra has to say about improving the imbalances for each type:
(Image: Pinterest)
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She adds, "Once a person is born, these doshas determine a person's health and well-being. Unlike a genetic code, these doshic balances can be affected by weather, diet, and lifestyle that we lead. A person can have one dominant dosha or a combination of two doshas and rarely tri-doshic. Types of Prakruthi include Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Vata-pitta, Pitta-Kapha, Vata-Kapha and Vata-Pitta-Kapha types."
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Expert speak:
"Understanding the characters of each dosha and their effect on our body can help us identify our Prakrithi. It's a good idea to see an Ayurvedic practitioner who can help you identify your Prakriti and Vikruti. The 3 Doshas are the biological energies responsible for the physiological and emotional functions of a body. They exist qualitatively and quantitatively in a person. At the time of conception, these three doshas from parents combine and form a unique combination for the child. This combination decides the physical characters and mental characters of a child, similar to a genetic code," says Ayurvedic practitioner and health coach, Dr Varalakshmi Yanamandra, who is also the director of Ayur Wellness and Pain Centre.
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According to Ayurvedic texts, each one of us is governed by three elements, which form our 'Prakriti' or inherent nature - Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth). Any imbalance in these can also throw us off-balance mentally as well as physically.