5 Yoga Moves that Will Help You Burn Fat Faster

When you think of losing weight, the first thing that comes to your mind is cardio. Let’s be honest that yoga doesn’t usually feature on top of the list. But you will be surprised to know that yoga is quite effective when it comes to burning fat. Nishtha Bijlani, a Mumbai-based yoga exert, says "With regular practice, one sees great improvement in strength, flexibility, metabolism and respiratory function. When Yoga is combined with the right lifestyle changes and good eating habits, it can be the best way to keep your weight in check." She recommends five yoga asanas that you can daily to burn fat and lose weight.

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"Navasana, also called the Boat pose, is sure to leave you with a fire in your belly. A great one to strengthen the core. It also greatly tests your will power and mental strength," says Nishtha.

Method: Sit on the mat with your knees bent and feet in front of you. Lean back and start to lift your feet off. Initially you may keep your knees bent. When you feel ready to increase the intensity, you can start to straighten the legs. Make sure to keep the spine lifted.
Duration: Hold 15-20 secs and repeat

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Utkata Konasana

"Also known as the goddess pose, is a great one to add power to the legs. Along with stretching the inner thighs and groin, it helps to strengthen and tone the legs muscles," says Nishtha.

Method: Keep a distance of three and half feet between the legs. Let your feet open to the sides. Bend your knees to come into a wide leg squat. Make sure the knees and ankle stay aligned. You can also make this a dynamic up-down movement.
Duration: Hold 30 secs and repeat a few times

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Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

"This posture helps to create great strength in the arms and shoulders, while also challenging the core. Along with dynamic movements like surya namaskar or cardio, include this in your regime for stronger, toned arm muscles," says Nishtha.

Method: Start by being on your knees and place your forearms on the mat. Interlock your fingers and keep the elbows at shoulder distance not wider. Then lift your knees up and push your hips toward the ceiling. Walk your feet forward by a few steps. Keep the gaze to your palms and continue to lift your heels up. Release and repeat once again.
Duration: Hold for 30-45 secs. Repeat again.

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Chaturanga Dandasana

This one is surely going to test your strength so be ready to give it all you have! "It works on many dimensions such as the core, arm strength, stability and postural integration. Just 5 of these is sure to leave you sweating!" says Nishtha.

Method: Come into a plank position and slowly bend the elbows backward (not side) to lower the body half way down. Remember to keep the legs engaged. Make sure to not over-arch the back. Begin with a shorter hold and gradually increase the time. You can do up to 5 repetitions.
Duration: Hold for 5-15 secs

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Surya Namaskar

"Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a traditional yogic practice done in the morning to awaken the energies of the sun within us.
It is a powerful practice. It instantly warms up the body, boosts metabolism and improves endocrine function. This as a result, helps to create a healthy body-weight balance," says Nishtha.

Method: 12 steps are as follows-
Start in Tadasana with feet together and palms in Namaste.
Begin to extend arms overhead in Uttana Hastasana.
Bend forward to bring hands down to mat in Uttanasana.
Step right foot back in a lunge called Ashwa Sanchalanasana.
Step left foot back into plank or Phalakasana.
Bring knee, chest and chin down to Ashtanga Namaskar.
Slowly slide forward and up into Bhujangasana.
Press palms and lift hip up into Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Step right foot forward into Ashwa Sanchalanasanaith arms.
Left foot forward into Uttanasana.
Lift body up into Uttana Hastasana.
Bring palms back down in Namaste.
Repeat the same on the left side to complete 1 full round.
Duration: Start with 3 rounds moving onto 6 and 10.