Should you get eyelash extensions on your big day

Pros and cons—here’s everything that you need to know.

Pros and cons—here’s everything that you need to know.

We know it's a lot of pressure, but if you're a to-be bride, prepare to have all eyes on you (except for those aunties busy scouting for the next match to set up perhaps). In addition to the perfect dress, hair, and make-up, it’s the eyes that can elevate the make-up look in no time. Enter the world of false eyelashes that give your eyes that bigger, fuller, and glamorous look. It’s time to make your eyes pop. So if you’re wondering if you should get eyelash extensions for your big day, we tell you about the pros and the cons. 

Why choose one in the first place? 

To begin with, they’ll not only make your eyes look less tired amidst all the festivities of your wedding but enhance your bridal look. With these long, dark, and curly lashes making your eyes look brighter and stand out, the result is evident in the photographs. Also, if you’re on the emotional side and have a high chance of weeping at the wedding, lashes are just what you need to avoid ruining black streaks of mascara that will ruin the makeup. Also, consider the fact that its substitute, mascara is harmful to lashes as drying it and taking it off is a tedious process.  

One of the main reasons why they’re so popular is them being tailor-made to fit your style thereby helping you change your eye shape—those with smaller eyes can go for thick eyelashes, while they also keep the dark circles at bay (for those who have them). Be it the colour, curl, or length, there’s ample scope for improvement and improvisation. 

It’s also their long-lasting and ease of use as all they take to apply and remove is less than a minute. Considering the time it’s going to take to do your hair, nails, and other parts of the make-up process, you’re going to save a lot of time with your eyes looking great thanks to the extensions. Furthermore, once they’re in place, lash extensions can last up to eight weeks, seeing you through from your wedding day to your honeymoon.

What to do once you've made up your mind?
Do a mock trial run. Brides looking to get professional lash extensions should plan to get them done four to six weeks in advance of their wedding once they have confirmed their overall beauty look for the day. 

It’s always better to know how you’re going to feel at your wedding in advance and wearing those lashes will let you know if they work or will you need a different set. It could be a case of the lashes being too long or them coming in the way each and every time you blink. Add to that, your eyes/skin might be allergic to the extensions that you’re going to use, so it’s best to get that out of the way. Let your makeup artist know about the problem, for they will certainly adjust them according to your personal style and the look of the wedding. Taking some photographs will also help you and the make-up artist get a far better understanding of what needs to be done.

What do you need to take care of after? 
Once you’ve got your extensions done, ensure that you stay away from beauty products that include oil—be it eye creams, sunscreens, concealers, and cleansers. This is because the oil in them can have a bad effect on the glue that’s used to hold your extensions in place. Avoid getting them wet for the first few days to allow the glue to settle. Sleep on your back and not with your face facing the pillow to avoid crushing the extensions and avoid rubbing your eyes as well.