How to get your make-up to stay put during a monsoon wedding

No smudging or melting.

No smudging or melting.

Having a monsoon wedding sounds dreamy and picture-perfect but it comes with its own set of unique challenges. For instance, rain and humidity aren’t exactly friends with your make-up products. And on your big day, a bleeding and runny beauty look is the last thing you want. However, what if we told you, you can have your big, beautiful monsoon wedding and keep your make-up intact, too? Read on to know how. 

Primer is essential  

While most of us choose to skip over this step, a primer is crucial if you want your make-up to last for longer. After moisturising your face, the first step is to apply a generous amount of mattifying primer. This creates a smooth canvas for the rest of your make-up and ensures it stays put for longer hours. 

Waterproof everything 

This is the obvious suggestion. Fill your vanity with waterproof or water-resistant products. And no, we aren’t just talking about mascara or kajal. We mean, invest in a waterproof foundation and concealer as well. These will withstand moisture and last longer as compared to products that will succumb to rain and humidity.   

Choose heat-resistant products  

Always, always, always get a makeup demo in advance. Ensure the make-up artist is using high-quality products that are designed to withstand heat and humidity. Otherwise, you will have your make-up melting off and that is not a good look on anyone, let alone the bride. 

Set with powder and use a setting spray 

Setting your make-up is as important as the technique used to apply it. Without a setting powder or spray, your make-up is bound to disappear halfway through the festivities if not sooner. And so, always remember to finish your make-up with a setting spray and a translucent powder to ensure everything stays in place and there is no smudging or melting.  

Long-lasting lip colour  

Your lipstick is usually the first product to leave you. So, while you might be opposed to long-wear matte lipstick, on your wedding day that is the product to go with. Especially in a monsoon wedding when the humidity and moisture are bound to make your lipsticks disappear. However, do remember to apply a coat of lip balm before applying this lipstick. 

Use blotting papers and do minimal touch-ups 

Avoid excessive touch up since layering on more products might make your look better for a few minutes, but won’t let it stay in place. Instead, keep a stack of blotting papers handy to dab away excessive oil or sweat. Gently blot when you need and keep the touch-ups to a minimum. 

Inputs from Pooja Walia, Makeup Artist & Director, Pooja Walia Studio