6 skincare mistakes you might be making ahead of your wedding day

Here’s what not do…

The months leading up to your wedding can be quite hectic—there are so many factors to take care of and decisions to make—and looking after your skin doesn’t rank too high on your to-do list at that time. But if you want to look your most radiant self on your special day, it’s important to know what to do, and also what not to do to get that glow. 

Discover six mistakes that you might be making before the wedding day.

Getting an unknown facial or salon treatment too close to the wedding

Don’t try something completely new just weeks or days before your wedding. Everything from a facial, chemical peel, microblading, and waxing, to even steaming could have adverse effects on your skin and cause reactions. Not to mention any new treatment might leave your skin feeling irritated and dry. So, either try these months in advance or leave them for after your wedding. 

Adding new products to your skincare routine

In continuation to the above point, the weeks or even months leading up to your wedding are probably not the best time to experiment with your skin. Don’t add any new products that might trigger an allergy or flare ups. Tempted to try that new retinol cream that promises blemish-free skin or that vitamin C serum that claims to make your face glow? Wait until after your wedding to try them out, especially if they are actives as they are more likely to cause an adverse reaction. Stick to tried-and-tested products and keep your routine simple. 

Skipping or skimping on SPF

We know that proper sun protection is one of the easiest and most effective ways to ensure healthy skin, but sometimes we tend to be lazy with it, especially during foggy winter days. It’s important to know that UV rays can filter in even in cloudy weather, so applying two fingers’ worth of SPF every time you step out of the house is a must, especially in the months leading up to your wedding. Plus, don’t forget to carry a sunstick in your purse for easy reapplication.

Not removing your make-up before going to bed

You’ve just come home late from a long, exhausting day at work or from a night out with friends. All you want to do is snuggle up in bed and go to sleep, and the last thing you have the energy for is to painstakingly remove your make-up and do your elaborate night routine. But going to bed without removing make-up close to your big day might lead to unwanted breakouts and clogged pores. So, spare a few minutes, no matter how tired you are to wash your face before sleeping. A gentle cleansing oil makes removing even the most stubborn waterproof make-up a breeze. Avoid harsh alcohol-based removers and wipes and follow up with a hydrating toner and moisturiser. 

Trying DIY hacks

As the date of your wedding comes closer, you might want to do everything you can to get that bridal glow. So, trending skincare hacks like the chia seed facial or a good old turmeric-chickpea flour-yogurt mix might seem like good ideas, but there is a chance they might make your skin even more irritated than before and harm your natural skin barrier. Instead, focus on strengthening your skin through simple formulas and ceramide-based skincare products.

Picking pimples on your skin

One of the biggest habits that will definitely affect your skin before your wedding? Popping pimples or picking your skin. Avoid the temptation to touch your skin, and if you see a pesky pimple and have the urge to pop it, apply a pimple patch instead. Picking pimples can leave post-acne scars that don’t go away easily. 


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